About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Pulso. Revista de Educación is edited yearly by the Centro Universitario Cardenal Cisneros (Avenida de los Jesuitas, nº34, 28806, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, España). This journal was originally established in 1977 but changed its format in 2001 (number 24) in order to become a scientific and research journal in the field of education. Throughout these more than twenty years, the journal has established itself as a reference for the dissemination of educational research, especially in Spain and Latin America.

It is addressed to education specialists, researchers, and professionals in the field of education at all levels. Its main aim is to disseminate and promote studies and experiences related to education, prioritizing those contributions which focus on the most innovative research in the field.

In the section Research and Studies, the journal publishes original empirical and theoretical research articles, studies, reviews, and educational experiences. Contributions must show methodological rigor and scientific quality. Work obtained from funded research projects will especially be taken into consideration. Contributions for this section will be evaluated using the double-blind peer review method. The Reviews section accepts original and critical reviews of books about education published in the last two years. For both sections, contributions can be written in Spanish or English. Occasionally, written contributions in Portuguese might be accepted.

Pulso. Revista de educación meets editorial quality criteria required by the scientific community (committees, periodicity, reviews, indexing...). In recent years, significant work is being carried out to update and strengthen editorial policies and quality criteria, always in line with the most current trends as it pertains open access publications.

The journal publishes one issue per year through a continuous flow process until the completion of each issue. Thus, once the final versions of the contributions are received, they are added to the table of contents of the "current" issue. The journal is also published on paper once the current issue has been closed.

Pulso. Revista de educación facilitates unrestricted access to all its content.

Peer Review Process

Articles are first reviewed by the Editorial Board, who will make a pre-selection, to see if they meet the requirements for articles published in this journal. 

The Editorial Board can directly reject any manuscript without resorting to external consultation for any of the following reasons: if they consider them not fitting because they do not meet quality requirements, if they do not adhere to the scientific goals of the journal or if there is evidence of scientific misconduct. Manuscripts are revised using the plagiarism detection service provided by Crossref Similarity Check and powered by iThenticate.

This journal employs double blind reviewing, where both the referee and author remain anonymous throughout the process. Submissions are then sent out to, at least, two external referees, who are chosen for their expertise within the subject area. Should they not reach an agreement, the paper will be sent to a third external expert.

Every manuscript will be evaluated, except for reviews, which will be evaluated by the Editorial Board.

Anyone, whose work is to be reviewed, will be able to name up to three experts. The Editorial Board reserves the right to accept or reject the proposal and is not obliged to communicate its decision.

Reviewers are asked to comment on comprehensibility, originality and scholarly worth of the article submitted. All reviewers must follow the ethic code principles. Following the external review, the authors are sent copies of the external reviewers' comments and are notified of the decision (accept as it is, accept pending changes, or reject). The Editorial Board, taking into consideration the reports of the external reviewers, will decide whether to finally publish or reject an article and will always notify their decision to its author(s). Editorial Board may add comments to the reviewers' report if deemed necessary.

The time between receipt acknowledgement and the first evaluation is around 40 days in which the author will receive the reports produced by the reviewers together with the suggestions—if there were any. Authors will be required to introduce said suggestions within 20 days. Should any circumstance prevent that time commitment from happening, the journal will get in touch with the author to inform him/her about the state of the process.

In the case of negative evaluations, authors will have the right to reply. The reply will be managed by the Editorial Board.

Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate open access to its content based on the idea that offering readers free access to research favours a global exchange of knowledge.

Papers are published in the electronic version of the journal under a Creative Commons License: Attribution-NonCommercial-No derivatives 4.0 International

Authors are allowed and encouraged to promote the post-print version (reviewed and accepted for publication version) of their work online before publishing them. This favours their earlier circulation and dissemination and thus a possible increase in their citation and reach among the academic community.


This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create an archive system distributed amongst cooperating libraries, which are allowed to create permanent archives for the journal for restoring and conservation purposes. Read more...

Frequency of Publication


The journal publishes one issue a year, which is also published on paper. Pulso. Revista de educación offers a web publication in advance of the articles received for the current issue that have passed the entire editorial editing process.

Printed version


Code of Ethics

Pulso. Revista de Educación has a code of ethics which is inspired by principles of best practice established by institutions such as the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE) (https://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines-new/principles-transparency-and-best-practice-scholarly-publishing) or the guide by CSIC (Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas), state agency of the Spanish Government (http://revistas.csic.es/public/guia_buenas_practicas_CSIC.pdf)

Editorial Team

The Editorial Team is responsible for the content of the journal and must guarantee its quality and originality.

Editors are the first ones to evaluate the articles based only on their academic merit in order to avoid bias or discrimination.

Likewise, the Editorial Team must keep confidentiality during the edition process and has to guarantee a fair and impartial revision. The journal will make sure that reviewers are qualified to revise.

Authors will have the right to reply in the case of a negative evaluation.

The Editorial Team is committed to refrain from using any articles it may receive for personal purposes without the author’s consent.


All authors take responsibility for what they have written. Besides, they confirm that their articles are the result of an original and unprecedented research and that their data are truthful and have been obtained in a responsible way and have not been manipulated. Plagiarism, in any way, data invention or manipulation are considered serious misconducts and are considered as scientific fraud.

No part of the article will have been published before, either as an article or as a chapter. Simultaneously sending the same manuscript to several journals is considered malpractice and is ethically frowned upon.

Authors must always provide their sources. Authors commit to doing a thorough research of the most current and relevant scientific literature for their manuscripts.

Authors must accept and stick to the journal’s publication guidelines.

Authors must credit those who have significantly participated in any part of their work, be it regarding content or writing.

If an author finds a serious mistake in his/her manuscript he/she must communicate it to the journal as soon as possible in order to modify his/her manuscript, withdraw it, publish a retraction, a correction or erratum.

Authors are obliged to explicitly declare that there is no conflict of interest that may have affected the results or the interpretations of their article.

If the article has been financed by an agency or a project, authors must state it clearly.


Reviewers that are invited by the journal to evaluate an article commit to making a critical, honest and unbiased revision. They must be objective and give enough reasons to justify their decision.

The evaluation of the manuscripts has to be a confidential process, therefore texts must not be shared or discussed with other people that are not part of the Editorial Team.

Reviewers commit to meet and respect deadlines and will notify the Editorial Team if they cannot do so.

Reviewers must decline the offer if they think that they are not qualified for the task, or if there is conflict of interest or any reason that could affect an objective decision.

The journal asks revisers to inform about any documents that show signs of bad research practices.

Antiplagiarism Policy

Pulso. Revista de Educación makes sure that published articles are original and have not been previously published, either totally or partially. In order to ensure this, authors are asked to write a statement to that respect and articles are revised using the plagiarism detection programme Turnitin.

Plagiarism control will be done before peer review. The report created by Turnitin will be studied by editors who will then contact the author(s) should the plagiarism percentage be greater than 20%. If after talking to the authors and there is still reason to suspect plagiarism, the article will not be accepted for publication.

Interoperabilty protocols

Pulso. Revista de Educación provides an interface OAI-PMH (Open Archives Initiative – Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) that enables interoperability between different platforms and repositories through the exchange of metadata.
Protocol: OAI-PMH Version 2.0
Metadata formats: Dublin Core Metadata

URL for harvesters:
